How did they get there: Qualified after massive wins over the Ukraine and Slovenia.
Manager: Goran Jakić.
Captain: Zvonimir Marković. The Manchester Magic midfielder can shine with his world-class quality.
Euro highlights: The 1996 wonderful win over Portugal 3-0.
Euro legend: Dani Jurić, for the hat-trick against the Portuguese.
Star player: Zvonimir Marković. Simply a great player.
Strengths: Defending. Vedran Djukić and Ante Topić make a great centre back duo.
Weaknesses: Communication. The team spirit historically is terrible on the top stage but if they work on their teamwork in EuroCup 08 they could do well.
World ranking: 14th.
Our verdict: If their team spirit is good, Croatia might even win the competition. With strikers Zlatko Bedranić and Kristjan Kižu in the form of their life, and Marković at the apex of his game at Manchester Magic, Croatia have got a good enough squad to become champions.