How did they get there: They were champions four years ago, so they qualified automatically.
Manager: Josef Novák. The EuroCup-winning coach four years ago was appointed Hungary CSA boss in 1999.
Captain: György Gorgás, who took the armband from Mihály Miroszevics, who resigned after the disastrous 2006 CSA World Cup campaign in which they lost all their group games despite going in 20-1 to win the tournament. Gorgás is a tip-top centre-back.
Euro highlights: The 2004 EuroCup heroics obviously. They beat Portugal twice and Italy and won it all despite going 77-1 before the tournament. They showed that anyone can win it.
Euro legend: Krisztian Szabics, with his winning header in the '04 final. Szabics is looking to be a hero again this year.
Star player: Mihály Miroszevics, with his wonderful playmaking ability.
Strengths: Novák. Hungary have a manager who knows how to mould and inspire a group of players to perform above their usual standards and tactically you would not bet against him out-thinking coaches with more illustrious players to choose from.
Weaknesses: Having said that, you would think Europe's finest have come up with a plan to deal with the Magyars after the shock of 2004. Hungary are not unknowns and they will not be taken lightly by anyone this time around.
World ranking: 18th.
Our verdict: Lightning does not strike twice and Hungary will not win EuroCup 08. They might just be able to sneak out of their group if they start well against Sweden, but if that does happen, they should deem it a successful tournament.